Thursday, September 1, 2011

Summer 2011 in Review

Oh my goodness, this Summer has been so crazy. We have been bombarded with so many things this Summer we haven't had much time to actually sit down and enjoy this Summer. We've had a good Summer that was mixed in with a lot of disappointments..

The lady I babysat for no longer needed me and let me go, right after we got a HUGE bill from Weber saying my tuition had been sent back.. still am not sure what happened there?

We went to Vegas again for a week.. It was a nice, much needed break. We got Sums little ears pierced there.. she loves them & they look so cute on her.

We found out my mother-in-law has breast cancer. She's doing well.. but I think it has shook us all up pretty good.

I went on our girls trip to St. George. We saw The Little Mermaid.. so good.

We have been potty training. What a nightmare. Summer is good now, but boy, it was a rocky road getting there.

Thanks to my parents I was able to take a phlebotomy class and got my certificate.. I got the #2 best exam score in my class. (Sorry, just had to brag a little!)

Because of a lot of prayers, a few days later I got a call from a plasma center and they wanted me to work for them. Wheww..

Anyways, hopefully life will slow down a little now that Summer has come to an end. I hope your Summer was good!
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