Monday, August 2, 2010

Back to Reality Sydney!

I am mixing up reality with my freakin books. So the other day Scott & I went to return a movie to Redbox at McDonalds. As we were pulling up I was thinking "Man, I was just here.. what the heck?"
Was I just there? No.
The character in the "Sookie Stackhouse" books had just taken her nephew there to play in the McDonalds play place.

And THEN, the yesterday Scott & I were watching TV and I almost turned to him and asked:
"Did you hear about the new law that the government is going to make werewolves register as citizens?"

I think I am going crazy.

Anyways, I finished the last book in the "Sookie Stackhouse" novels. And it was definately my least favorite of them all. Bummer. It was very boring, I was SO glad to get it over with. : (

Next on the list? Good question. I have too many on my list to decide from. I'm thinking "Mommywood" by Tori Spelling. I just love her. Don't you?

Oh! And I made these flowers for Summers hair today..

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